What is a FSJ?

FSJ means voluntary social year. It is a voluntary, unpaid engagement for several months especially in the social sector for juveniles.

More precisely, the FSJ is a social educational year for people aged 17 to 27. The compulsory education must be finished. The juveniles engage in supporting activities for example in facilities for handicapped persons, homes for the elderly or hospitals. Additionally, they participate in workshops that support the development of the personality.

The participants thereby get the opportunity to gain an intensive insight into different fields of social professions.

Furthermore, the juveniles get to know their own skills step by step and experience how their actions are perceived and evaluated by others. The FSJ thereby also serves as professional orientation: when concluding the voluntary service volunteers know exactly, whether a social profession is the right choice for the own career. Yet, the voluntary social year is neither a professional training nor an employment. The volunteers improve their skills on criticism, communication and cooperation. They gain an insight into social and cultural relations and are enabled to question their own moral concept.

Above all juveniles and young people show during their social year their social commitment for their fellow humans. They serve others, responsibly and voluntarily.

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