Malcom Jorge aus Playa

Bewerbung: Bundesfreiwilligendienst


My name is Malcom Jorge Valdivia González, and I am writing to express my keen interest in the BFD voluntary service program. I am originally from Cuba and currently in the process of learning German, with a current proficiency level of A2.

While my German is still under development, I am a highly motivated individual with a strong desire to contribute to the German community. I come equipped with a diverse skillset that I believe could be valuable to your organization.

My background includes experience in data analysis, graphic design, and industrial engineering. Additionally, I am a creative individual with a passion for music and photography. I am fluent in English and Spanish, with working proficiency in Portuguese and basic understanding of Russian.

I am particularly drawn to the BFD program for its focus on cultural exchange, social development, environmental protection. I am eager to learn more about the specific volunteer opportunities available and how my skills and enthusiasm could contribute to your goals.

I have attached my resume for your review and am available for an interview at your earliest convenience. Thank you for considering my application.


Malcom Jorge Valdivia González


Art der Stelle:



Kultur und Denkmalpflege
Natur- und Umweltschutz


Dienstbeginn nach Absprache

Dauer der Anstellung:

Dauer nach Absprache

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