Natalie aus Hausleiten

Bewerbung: Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr


I am currently working as an Au Pair in Austria. I joined the host family in March 2023 and my Au pair contract will end in February 2024. I am also studying German language level A2.2.
I have learned a lot during my Au Pair. I have experienced new culture, improved my German language, increased my understanding in caring for the children and adapted to a new climate pattern.
I am passionate about helping people and I firmly believe in providing assistance to those who need it most. It has always been my goal to contribute my time and effort toward bettering the lives of others. Thus, I am excited to be applying for the Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr (FSJ) in Germany. Through FSJ, I will improve my German language skills, experience my own abilities and limits, demonstrate my commitment to social work, orient myself professionally, get to know teamwork and working life, in order to then make the right professional decision.
I would prefer taking care for the elderly and those people who are disable. These are among the vulnerable people in the society who are in constant need of care and assistance so that they can live a dignified life. It comes with great satisfaction in assisting such people.


Art der Stelle:

Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr


Kinder- und Jugendhilfe


2 / 2024

Dauer der Anstellung:

Dauer nach Absprache

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