Selin S. aus Zwickau

Bewerbung: Bundesfreiwilligendienst, Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr, Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr


My name is Selin and I am a psychology graduate, having earned my diploma from TEDU in Ankara, Turkey. Currently, I am volunteering at the Benedict School Zwickau where I help with administrative and social tasks such as registration of new students and organizing events to create a welcoming environment. I am also acting as an assistant to the administration department. In Benedict School, all students are immigrants who are learning German and are supported through employment. This means that I am also learning about the immigration process and have a basic understanding of the necessary steps to take when it comes to applying for immigration. I chose to volunteer at the Benedict School because I am interested in and concerned about discrimination and wanted to understand how people from different backgrounds experienced life as immigrants. I plan on creating events to support immigrant women who are enrolled in the school and help them during their integration process in Germany.

Before coming to Germany, I interned at TEDU Gender Studies Center and prepared a glossary for gender studies terms. With my teammates and mentoring professor from the internship, we are still working on a project to end intimate partner violence among university students. Moreover, I am currently co-writing an article with my social psychology professor Canay Doğulu on protesting against gender inequality. I hope to become a published author by the end of 2022. As I have received my Bachelor’s education in English and can say that I am fluent in English. I am also taking German classes and hope to achieve at least to B1 level by the end of this year.

While I was a university student, I have taken classes about photography, disability, intergroup relations, prejudice, and discrimination. I have also taken classes on gender inequality and the psychology of gender and volunteered for organizations to spread awareness on gender inequality, violence against women, and the rights of LGBTQI+ members as well as human rights and rights of disabled and or mentally ill people. The topic of discrimination is important to me as I plan on becoming a social psychologist in the future, working to reduce discrimination and support those who are discriminated against. That is the reason why I am writing this letter, hoping that it will express my interest in working in Germany, using my theoretical knowledge of psychology in practice, and finding new ways to support people who need it.


Art der Stelle:

Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr
Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr




3 / 2023

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